匯寶盆 > 免費(fèi)分享區(qū) > 3D插件資源 > Unity插件 > Best HTTP Edition 1.9.9
Best HTTP Edition 1.9.9




Requires Unity 5.0.1 or higher. If you want a plugin that supports request customization for REST, WebSocket, Socket.IO, SignalR, Server-Sent Events (and much more) out of the box, with regular updates and outstanding support from the developer, then BestHTTP is THE tool for you! All source code included! Supported platforms: -WebGL -iOS(+ IL2CPP 64 bit, IPv6), tvOS, Android -Windows Phone 10, Windows Store Apps, Windows 10, UWP -Samsung Smart TV with some restrictions -Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Most notable HTTP features are: -Customize all parts of your requests: -+Methods(GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) -+Headers -+Cookies -+Max redirect count -+Timeouts -Access all kind of data sent by the server: -+Headers -+Status code -+Cookies -Connection pooling -Connection and request timeouts -Automatic Cookie handling -Great range of Proxy support (Fiddler, Charles, etc.) -Automatic caching, validating just like your browser -Set your cache size and freshness -gzip content encoding -Basic and Digest authentication -Multiple (url-encoded and multipart/form-data) form types -Automatic redirection handling -Upload and Download progress tracking -Access your data while downloading -You can resume downloads using Range headers -HTTPS -Customize a great range of global settings: -+Max connection per server -+Enable/disable cookies -+Private 'Browsing' -+Cookie Jar size -+etc WebSocket features: -Full RFC compliance -Easy to use, 'just works' experience -Support for extensions: -+Compression Extensions for WebSocket (RFC7692) Socket.IO features: -Compliance with the latest (1.3.+) Socket.IO implementation -Automatic transport upgrade/downgrade -Binary data sending/receiving -You can plug in your favorite Json decoder SignalR features: -Works with the latest SignalR implementation -Easy to use API -Hubs -Support for authentication -Progress messages for long running jobs -Automatic transport upgrade/downgrade -You can plug in your favorite Json decoder

    插件名稱:Best HTTP Edition 1.9.9 大      ?。?.3M 價(jià)格:¥0
    軟件要求:Unity5.0.1以上 運(yùn)行環(huán)境:


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關(guān)鍵詞: Unity,HTTP插件


全部評論: 1

k3498gg 2017-06-16 15:43:24
