匯寶盆 > 資源交易區(qū) > 3D模型 > 其他 > 甜品食物模型包Dessert Heaven Pack
甜品食物模型包Dessert Heaven Pack




Requires Unity 4.0.0 or higher. This extremely affordable and delicious package contains 50 classic desserts! From cheesecakes to banana splits, everything your game needs to be sweet. Items (polygons): - Apple pie (176P) - Banana split (545P) - Birthday cake (273P) - Brownie (22P) - Cake (144P) - Cannoli (124P) - Cheesecake (80P) - Cherry pie (160P) - Chocolate cake(144P) - Chocolate mousse (274P) - Chocolate tart (128P) - Cinnamon roll (96P) - Cookie (48P) - Cotton candy (192P) - Crumble (200P) - Danish (98P) - Donut (192P) - Eclair (174P) - Fruit skewer (286P) - Ice cream cone (132P) - Ice cream sandwich (126P) - Ice cream treat (250P) - Jello (96P) - Jelly roll (32P) - Keylime pie (242P) - Lime cupcake (148P) - Macarone (132P) - Mega cone (289P) - Melon salad (238P) - Melty moment (180P) - Meringue (60P) - Milkshake (327P) - Mini tart (204P) - Pancakes (138P) - Panna cotta (88P) - Parfait (184P) - Peach cobbler (180P) - Pink cupcake (156P) - Popsicle (100P) - Pound cake (160P) - Pudding (107P) - Rainbow cupcake (132P) - Red velvet cake (400P) - Strawberry shortcake (228P) - Sundae (312P) - Tiramisu cake (174P) - Trifle (304P) - Waffle (128P) - Wedding cake (352P) - Whoopie pie (156P) The models are between 22-545 polygons. The package comes with 256x256, 512x512 and 1024x1024 textures - diffuse (Unity 4), albedo (Unity 5) and normal maps. There are also prefabs for all the different texture resolutions to make life easier for you. All the models are available as FBX files.

    模型名稱:甜品食物模型包Dessert Heaven Pack 價格:¥2.00
    軟件/格式/大?。? Unity4.0.0以上,.unitypackage,128.8M;
    頂點數(shù):0 面 數(shù):0 動 畫:無
    風(fēng)   格: 貼 圖: 有 材 質(zhì): 有


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關(guān)鍵詞: 模型,Unity


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